Wednesday, July 13, 2016

SOTA Founder Knight account

I no longer have no time to play, so as much as it pains me, I'm selling my Founder Knight Pledge  account plus all extras.

-Pledged in April 2014, means all the Founder goodies are included, 2 houses per tier, (some tiers even with a 3rd house for use in 'waterfront-lots, like the 'lighthouse waterfront home'), a `TAX FREE Village Lot´, etc, etc. Nothing has been sold ever, so all is there. Click this link to see ALL Items and Rewards that came with this pledge

-Over $455 in Add-ons, most of them no longer available or discontinued, including ALL prosperity tools, etc, etc, a few extra 'rewards', +5 bank upgrades for a total of 850 bank slots! 

-Best 'Village lot' in Brekken Bay (location & pics of the house and its 'Village Arena Basement' below)

-It is linked to Steam, but since I  don´t ever use that either, I have asked Steam to cancel the whole account. They already sent me a ticket-key are only waiting for my confirmation, which I'll send if the buyer asks me to. Otherwise, (like some have asked for),  the buyer will get to keep that Steam account too, as a bonus and for your peace of mind. (I´ll give you the login details and you can change the email, password and all security associated to it. I just tested doing it and it´s fairly easy).

You get all for $the ammount we agree upon, we can use any escrow you prefer, or do it in real time via Skype. I only accept Paypal.  :)


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